Mobiles can be transformed from a distraction into powerful allies. If in the past we tried to not look at our phones at work to keep focused, now we need them to ensure seamless project progress. Mobile management apps give us wings, freeing up our plans. Let’s see how managing projects from our phones can solve many of the usual challenges we face during projects.


gestion movil


1/ There is a constantly changing list of parties involved in every project. Keep them all informed on the same app.


Easily manage the complexity of your involved parties, who have different roles in the project, and revolutionize the way you communicate with every sort of professional. Specialization means that more people are added throughout the various stages and activities that make up a project.

Furthermore, middlemen often represent a decisive factor in whether or not the project succeeds. It can be difficult to handle communication between all these parties if we do not organize and centralize communication pathways. For such situations, the mobile app will allow is to keep every interested party informed on the progress of the project.

For example, if we need to inform all interested parties of the same upcoming action, we can access the activity chat to update everyone simultaneously. And we would not even need to send a message if we are using Sinnaps, as this app records every change and automatically messages all involved parties. With this app, we can avoid sending emails of course, but we can even bypass the act of personally sending messages at all.


2/ Work patterns are continually taking a more horizontal form, spread out over various projects at once. Everything is therefore simplified through the same mobile app.


This specialization categorizes work by departments and not by projects. Management can get complicated if in each project we have different people in charge, with different budgets and deadlines, and different participants. From there, we can tell that continual control and information flow for every single element is vital to ensure that all departments are continually aware of what their purpose and project progress are.


3/ A trend of growing and ever changing versatility.


Agile project management involves constant, rapid changes to adapt to challenges which are progressively less and less expected. Therefore, it is indispensable to communicate every change as it happens. Therefore, we need a good notification system. This system must also be personalized for each member and directly delivered into our pockets.


4/ Decisions are being made earlier and earlier.


This versatility is based on the foundations of always having the information we need, when we need it. We achieve this by being enabled to access project data from any place, at any time. This way, decisions can be made more accurately and effectively. We can feel confident that we have made the most up to date and appropriate decision.


5/ Stress is one of the main challenges faced by Project Managers.


It is not easy to manage the needs of every collaborating party in every project. One of the most stressful aspects for project managers is the anxiety and questions from all the interested parties in every project, but also the lack of control when it comes to managing resources and personnel. This has been explained in more detail in the following study carried out by UTS Epress.

Therefore, the mobile application is managing to reduce Project Manager stress by a significant margin, thanks to constant, seamless communication. Everyone knows what to do and when to do it by, wherever they may be. This also means all parties have real time control over project evolution. By focusing stress on the right point, we can make it serve a purpose and reach optimal efficiency.


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6/ The app provides a calming effect for all interested parties. Everyone will love the change, with intuitive apps which increase team commitment.

This communication system has a calming effect on all interested parties. There are many expectations placed on the shoulders of many people with many different roles in every project. A lot can be at stake. In these situations, information can be an antidote to the anxiety that comes from not knowing.


7/ We can reduce the number of meetings, resulting in continual attention to project development.

It may seem paradoxical, but greater control means fewer meetings. Many meetings mean time lost rather than work efficiency. Therefore, we can increase the amount of attention that each interested party will pay to the project, always suiting their own schedule in the project. Some call this the “Big Brother” effect.

Transparency and constant control. We have to keep up to date, informed on the project’s progress. This was, just as team members must update their personal progress with the project, updates can also be read at any point.


8/ Gen Z, raised with smartphones, could not envisage a personal or professional life without one. 

This is a fact. Younger generations are moving into the work force, and every year there will be more team members who are continually in contact with their phones. If we learn to communicate with these generations, we can improve workplace efficiency. For this reason, we know that project management via mobile is here to stay.

Computers are fast becoming a tool where we plan complex projects which will later be managed and monitored via smartphone apps such as Sinnaps.


What Does The Sinnaps App Offer?


Real time following of work progress, managing individual tasks, all of which optimize your and your team’s time allocation.

You no longer need to be in front of a computer to approved work, put in hours, or get updated on what your co-workers are discussing. The new Sinnaps mobile app for Android makes it all easier.

  • Make your work visible: approve actions and log hours on the spot

All team members can approve actions and log work hours. This way, we have a real time progress report and we can optimize all plans considering up to date information.

  • Hand out more detailed work and create sub tasks

Each activity can be divided into sub task steps. This makes it much easier to carry out a project and simplifies teamwork. This can be easily done via the app, wherever you are.

  • Promote fluid communication between co-workers

Many of the tasks in project management are intended to streamline communication and constant information updates for all interested parties. Through the app, you can also organize every conversation and talk to your co-workers no matter where you are. This is a basic function the same as any other mobile app.

  • Always be informed of project developments

If you don’t even have a minute to spare talking, you don’t need to worry: all the changes you make to your plans will be directly sent to the interested parties. Information directly sent to every pocket!



Download Sinnaps now

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