Projects can be time-consuming as well as complex in their organisation. For this reason, how to be a good project leader, top coordinator skills and the importance of a project leader are all common topics in project management. This article will cover the people that make up a project such as the project coordinator, the project leader, the project lead, the project executive and the project supervisor.


project coordinator


How to be a Project Coordinator


The Project Coordinator is a member of a project management team who is essentially responsible for keeping the project organised and using their project Coordinator skills to make sure that the project runs smoothly. Project Coordinators coordinate work throughout the life-cycle of a project and they are mostly involved with project information. If you are wondering how to be a project Coordinator, understanding what they do is important:


  • Organise meetings.
  • Arrange meetings with clients.
  • Record meeting minutes.
  • Take down detailed project notes and records.
  • Create project schedules which can be done effectively with Sinnaps Gantt-flow chart, project management software.
  • Create task lists and assign team members.
  • Keep track of project progress aided by Sinnaps automatic weekly email updates and KPIs.
  • Manage project paperwork. Sinnaps cloud-based app allows you to keep all project documents secure in one place.
  • Create project strategies.
  • Communicate with team members to make sure that the strategy is being followed.



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What is a Project Leader?


Project leaders are very important to project management and this is reflected in the average project leader salary of $70,000. The following are some of the project leader duties:


  • Lead people throughout the lifecycle of the project.
  • Outline the project outcome.
  • Engages people with the vision for the project.
  • Lead those in lower positions by giving orders and exercising control.
  • Adds value to the project and the project team.


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What is a Project Lead?


A project lead is someone who essentially takes care of one or multiple related projects and is concerned with the project outcome and the way in which goals will be reached. A project lead, whether a general project lead or a technical project lead is concerned with the team and gives meaning to the work that they are carrying out.

The project administrator duties of a project lead include project handling and the coordination of the project tasks to ensure successful completion and depending on the size and complexity of a project there can be more than one project lead.  


The Project Executive

The Executive of a project responsible for the management of the project team has a number of specific duties for both long and short-term projects. They are typically tasked with developing the strategic program for the project and monitoring project performance.

This project officer role includes the following duties:


  • Communicating with upper management.
  • Developing the strategic program for the project.
  • Creating and managing an organisation’s capital budget and expenses.
  • Monitoring project performance.
  • Monitoring client satisfaction.
  • Tracking performance metrics, which is simplified with Sinnaps’ automatically calculated KPIs.
  • Receiving and responding to approvals and any notifications concerned with the project.


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What does a Project Supervisor do?


A project supervisor is another member of the project management team and this project officer duties revolve around monitoring closely project progress. Let’s take a look at what this project administrator role involves:

  • Develop project work plans and review them when needed.
  • Identify construction issues.

  • Negotiate.

  • Coordinate the team and tasks to ensure successful project completion.

  • Supervise project progress.

  • Develop and maintain business relationships vital to project success.

  • Ensure that the project quality outcome has reached the desired standards.


We hope to have answered your questions about what does a project administrator do along with the other members of a project management team. Overall, each has their own specific duties. At the end of the day, effective project leadership skills are key. Having a project organiser tool such as Sinnaps can greatly help to make the running of your project more efficient and effective! 😊

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