In this article, Sinnaps online schedule maker will be discussed as well as what scheduling is, the importance of effective scheduling for business, the evolution of scheduling tools and how to make a schedule online with Sinnaps. Scheduling is an integral part of effective and efficient project management and just as Benjamin Franklin once said ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail.’

There is a strong difference between a list of activities, for which there is available many different types of software and a planner that actually takes into consideration the timing (through a time schedule app), resources and members allocated to each task as well as task interdependencies.


Online Calendar Scheduling Tool


What does the word ‘project scheduler’ actually mean? Is it something in charge of organizing activities online? What about when there is an array of complex activities? Generally, a good online calendar schedule maker allows you to schedule activities on a calendar, add sub-tasks, communicate with your team, manage your cost, calculate optimised work paths, save simulations to be prepared for the unexpected among many other features.



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Scheduling is assigning an appropriate number of workers to certain jobs/activities/tasks during each day of work on a certain project. An app for scheduling includes determining when an activity should begin and end, how long each activity should take, the interdependencies between activities, resource availability and finally, the target completion date of the project.

There are many options available for scheduling software online today on the market. However, online scheduling software reviews show that many are complicated to use and a lot of time must be spent on learning how to work the tool. This is something that Sinnaps helps to evade through clear and easy-to-follow instructions from the first click.


Importance of Scheduling in Business


The idea is that being organised and setting out a clear plan as to how a project will be run allows for a greater chance of possibility and helps to minimise risk. Statistically, Online Project Management increases the probability of project being completed on time by 15%. web scheduler

Companies that have a formal method in place for dispersing information, such as Sinnaps, have a 13% higher chance of completing the project reaching the initial goals and objectives set. There are a number of reasons as to why planning, scheduling and an online schedule planner are imperative to project management:



A plan or schedule will include your progress and pathway you should be following to achieve the goal. When your progress is visible, you can make quick and effective decisions based on the development of the project with the help of an online calendar app.


Decision making

An online calendar for scheduling allows you to visibly see how a certain decision could impact the future outcome of your project. This is important in order to make the right decisions at the right time and essentially reach the desired outcome of the project which a calendar schedule app will help you to achieve.



Flexibility is a necessity when it comes to project management as constant change is a given. When you create a schedule online, it allows for exactly that. Due to the fact that your schedule or online calendars for business sets out exactly what is planned, modifications and changes are easily added.


Integrated approach

Planning brings organisation together by clearly setting out to everyone what needs to be done and how. In this way, the whole team and even different departments in some cases, are brought together in the schedule maker online to work towards the same objective and achieve the goal in a more effective way.


Evaluation and control

When a project is planned and its activities scheduled, expected results are clearly set out. This allows for effective evaluation of how things are going while also allowing for feedback which helps all people involved to refer to the plan to make sure they are on track, like for example an online calendar for website launching.


Achieving desired results

Through all the above-mentioned reasons for why planning and scheduling is important, a business is supported in achieving exactly the results it first set out to reach. If planning is implemented and utilised correctly results will always be web scheduledesirable.


Today, project planners and schedule planners online should be easy to use. They must be attractive and attention grabbing, due to the simple fact that so many of them exist. The idea is that you start your workday consulting you online scheduling app or planner. This is what Sinnaps is- an effective, easy-to use and interactive project planner.


The Cloud


The cloud is used for sharing and storing data. Cloud computing is the activity of sharing resources, software and information via a network which refers to the internet. This information is deposited on physical servers which is preserved and controlled by a cloud computing provider like iCloud from Apple. Cloud storage is the task storing data on hardware in a remote physical location, which can be accessed from any device through the internet.

You can send files to a data server maintained by the cloud provider instead of only storing it on your own hard drives. Local computers no longer have the task of heavy lifting in terms of running applications. The pressure on hardware and software is significantly reduced, so if your computer crashes, all data is safely stored on a ‘shelf’ and can be easily accessed.

In today’s world, most of our work is usually managed from the cloud and if that’s not that case in your company yet, it should be soon! Many of the most competitive companies in the world work in the market managing work from the cloud in a move towards digital transformation. Our work teams are more geographically dispersed and employ an online calendar scheduling tool than ever before.

Our generation today of millennials and the fast-paced, constantly changing world have made a move towards new trends in work and labour. Many plan their own day-to-day activities on an online calendar app and are familiar with its workings and benefits. The reality is that the dispersion of people is much more widespread than was the case 20 years ago. The average number of people teleworking is 17 percent in the European Union, according to a study by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

People are constantly looking for new opportunities, flexibility in work and value their free-time much more than they used to and are aided by technology and its advancements. The ILO figure is constantly on the rise for a number of reasons and is a clear indicator of the change in trends in our world.

It is important for businesses to take this into consideration and adapt to the needs of their workforce. Facilitating work by making an online calendar schedule maker and investing in online scheduling software is a move that must be made by all companies, especially those that have a high degree of mobility of employees. Flexible work is what people are in search for today and a schedule planner online allows for exactly that.

Our world is advancing at an ever- increasing paces. Everything are us is very different to what it was 50 years ago and change is constant. The truth is, businesses must learn to be open towards and prepared for change. Adaptability is key. The current trend is showing that in the future virtual work teams will be the norm and business scheduling apps will be essential, including programmes to make schedules online, like that of Sinnaps.


What are the advatages of Sinnap’s Online Calendar Scheduling Tool?


A valuable weekly planner must work from the cloud. We can agree on that. However, what exact advantages does an online scheduling system bring to management?


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Optimisation: As a program used for making online schedules, Sinnaps can calculate the optimal work path of a certain project according to your specific needs. The various relationships and dependencies between the activities show the optimal time to start certain tasks and when to finish others. Sinnaps calculates this critical path for you. Apart from the calculated critical path, potential bottlenecks and the end-date of the project are demonstrated clearly.

Behind the automatic calculation to obtain the optimal work route, the schedule maker online with Sinnaps utilises two techniques that emerged in the last century: PERT and CPM. Thanks to them, we can find the critical path of our work. This sets out the activities that we should do before certain others to allow for the smooth running of the project. Their dependencies are crucial; some tasks cannot be started until others are finished first. The critical path calculated by the schedule maker online will ultimately point out the end-date of the project.

Teamwork: Communication is key in the management of work. The reality is that many different people are responsible for the successful result of a project and communication between them is essential to a project’s success. It is vital to coordinate people, assign to them certain tasks, responsibilities, activities etc., but above all, it is vital to keep everyone updated and up to speed. Therefore, project management tools often fuse with online communication applications, allowing for real-time, effective communication.


web schedule



Productivity: With Sinnaps, you can take advantage of not only the resources and work inputs of your team, but also of time. This time that you save is beneficial in the sense that you can spend it elsewhere rather than wasting it on setting up a complicated chart and scheduling work in an ineffective manner. Sinnaps presents not only a useful tool, but also an easy-to-use, intuitive and interactive online scheduling app. Time is not spent on learning how to use the tools, but rather learning to plan effectively in order to improve your work processes. Time is spent working productively.

Flexibility and cost management are both integral parts of professional project planning tools and Sinnaps takes this highly into consideration. The online calendar schedule maker simulates several different scenarios that could potentially occur so that no unforeseen events debilitate your project. Sinnaps can readjust its calculations after each change and quantify the potential scenarios therefore allowing for more effective decisions to be made.

Realistic planning: Schedules that have worked well before are reused, but Sinnaps keeps them for you without initial dates or original persons assigned. The reused projects become processes in a sense. When you use them, you give them a new date and timeline and add the needed team. This further saves times as you know in advance the outcome due to repeat planning.

Balance of costs: The actual costs of various resources can be reflected upon by team remembers. It is important to remember that what the project manager or director predicts as costs and what, in the end, the actual costs are two very different things.

Control and monitoring of projects online: Sinnaps analyses the project data in your control panel. It then interprets the data in order to make specific recommendations on how to improve the management and running of your project. It allows for up close control which keeps everything in check.


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As seen in the image above, Sinnaps include a project performance panel. Through a control panel, the management software allows to maintain a continuous and controlled evaluation of the modifications of each project. Therefore, if the activities, costs and resources work out as they were initially planned, you will know that the project is running smoothly. Sinnaps employ this Earned Value Management (EVM) technique, backed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Keeping everyone up-to-date: This is especially important. As mentioned above, keeping your team up-to-date will essentially determine the pace at which your project is completed. There exist many ways to update a team; endless meetings, countless telephone conversations and e-mails. A panel also exists in the online platform which prioritises your tasks after you plan them. This gets the message across, but can you imagine the effectiveness of sending an instant message in a certain activity through the online scheduling system that instantly informs everybody?

A schedule maker online allows you to literally make a schedule online and use it to manage your project. There is a lot of scheduling software that one can use, however a lot of it is out-dated and difficult to follow. Sinnaps’ schedule planner is a modern, easy-to-use and effective online scheduling system that will show you that planning projects effective is not the most difficult task in the world!


The modernides Online Calendar Tool


Sinnaps is a schedule planner online that goes one step further than just offering real-time instant chat in the online calendar scheduling tool. Every time the team members access the project, they will be updated with the current state of the project and any changes or modifications made. Similar to the format of a social network, like Facebook, for example, a project wall will inform them of the most important happenings in the project, whether it be certain activities end-dates extended, the addition of new tasks, the approval of activities, if new team members are added to the project etc.

The whole team is informed of everything. In Sinnaps’ online scheduling system, management tools are paired with online communication applications to allow for the running of a more collaborative and effective project.

Overall, scheduling is immensely important to business and project management. The advancement of technology constantly facilitates its use. With Sinnaps’ easy-to-use, intuitive and interacting online scheduling system you will see just how easy and useful it is to schedule your activities and plan effectively. With Sinnaps, you are guided step-by-step in how to make a schedule online. Sinnaps is helping thousands of people in more than 20 countries worldwide in effectively scheduling hundreds of projects. Give it a try today!





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