In today’s environment, everything is changing at a faster pace than ever before thanks, in most part to technology. Whether it is social, political, environmental, legal or even demographic changes, the list is endless. This affects all walks of life, especially business.


change management process


As daunting as the process may be, change is the only constant, therefore, it is inevitable. Instead of fearing and trying to avoid change, why not face it head on and make the most of the future benefits can arise as a result of adaptability.


How to Lead a Change Management Process?


A change management plan is project management can be easily devised if you follow an effective method. Dr. John P. Kotter is a professor of leadership at the Harvard Business School. He invented what has come to be known as the Kotter change management steps that outline how to leads a change management process that is used in HR change management and can be applied to project management:  

  1. Create a sense of urgency: Define a compelling case for the need for change. It is up to the project leader to explain the reason for change and to inspire others.
  2. Form a powerful coalition:A strategic change management process requires a team. One person cannot effectively enable change on their own.
  3. Create a vision: The vision should be clear, concise and easy to understand.
  4. Communicate the vision: Explain the change and communicate with people so that they can be aware of what is happening.
  5. Remove barriers to change: This will include helping people to accept the change and supporting them throughout the process with listening and training. Managing resistance to change is not easy, so this step may take a while.
  6. Create short-term wins: Use this to demonstrate the benefits of the change early. This is one of the project change management best practices and will help with change resistance.
  7. Build on the change: Keep going over these steps throughout the change process.
  8. Anchor the change: One of the most important change management techniques is to embed change into organizational procedures, models and day-to-day work.  


Organizational Change Management Tips


Managing change in the workplace can be a complex task. The following are some tips to consider when determining your change management approach:

  • Explain the intended benefits: Change management leadership is all about taking it upon yourself to lead the change. A good way to get people on your side is by outlining the reason for change and the benefits that it will bring. Hold meetings with your team or use a cloud-based project planning app such as Sinnaps that allows you to effectively communicate with a decentralised team.
  • Open and consistent communication: In terms of how to manage change in an organization effectively, change management communication is key. Leaving people in the dark will only make them more resistant to change. Explain what is happening, exactly how it will affect people and what is expected of them throughout the process. Sinnaps offers various communicative features that can be used for this such as a project wall and, live in-chat features.


Gestión de equipos de alto desempeño


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  • Plan the change carefully: Engineering change management carefully is crucial to its success. A project planning app such as Sinnaps allow you to create effective project plans that outline the various tasks to be completed, critical tasks as well as resource and cost features and the Kanban dashboard that helps you to track progress. A planned change process is a lot more likely to be successful that one which is unplanned.


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  • Provide support: Important change management principles are centred around providing support. This includes speaking to your team about their concerns, providing training and practising emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is key for a manager leading change in terms of understanding how the workforce may feel with regards the change.


Related links…

Project Management Techniques

Online Project Planner


Effective Change Management Models


There are different types of change management. You should use an appropriate change management methodology for your type of change, type of project, type of team and organization. Let’s take a look at some effective change management models:

  • Lewin’s change model: This model can be applied to anything from culture change management to managing change within a project. It follows a three-stage process. The three stages include: unfreeze, change and refreeze. The idea is to create a need for change, go through the business process change with the help of communication, involvement and empowerment and then anchoring the change into the organizational culture and celebrating its success.
  • McKinsey 7-S model: This model is more focused on helping you to determine the area in which your organization or project requires change. It is centred around applying the benefits of change management to increase the coherency of your project in the following areas: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff and skills.


Related Links…

Project Scope Statement

Change Project Permission


Objectives of the ITIL Change Management Process Flow


The main objective of ITIL Change management is to mitigate risk and reduce negative impact. The ITIL change management process flow protects the production environment while a new change is being executed. These are the objectives:


  • Reduce risk and negative impact  
  • Maintain current working state

  • Support approval and communication management

  • Help with change planning

  • Reduce number of negative incidents associated with change execution


Let’s finish this article with a very reflective quote that truly encompasses the importance of change from Benjamin Franklin and invite you to ponder its meaning- ‘When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.’ Organise and manage your change management tea effectively with the help of Sinnaps as well as scope change management in an effective way. Try it for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments below! 😊

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