Risk management techniques and business are important understand for all organisations as risks can lead to problems for the company if not managed correctly. In this article, we will go over risk management techniques and project management, the different types of risk management techniques the most effective project race management techniques and how Sinnaps project management software can help you to effectively manage the risks of your projects.


Risk Management Techniques


Risk Management Techniques in Project Management


The different types of risk management techniques and project management cover three general areas which are identification, analysis and planning:

  • Identification: The first step in risk management techniques is identification. Identifying the potential risks to your project allows you to recognise, define and describe the potential risks that could affect the results of your project. In this step, project management techniques such as brainstorming, risk surveys, SWOT analysis and checklist analysis come into play.
  • Analysis: After having identified the potential risks to your project, risk management techniques required analysis. This is a more detailed description of how exactly the risks could affect your project. Analysis can be qualitative and quantitative.
  • Planning: After having identified and analysed all of the potential risks to your project, it is important to plan out your project and how you were going to mitigate the risk’s effectively. This can be done with a project planning to such as Sinnaps project management software.


Some recommendations…

Project Management Techniques

Risk Management Plan

Types of Business Risk of a Company

Project Risk Analisys Example


Types of Risk Management Techniques: Qualitative and Quantitative


Any risk management techniques examples will highlight the importance of risk analysis. Risk analysis can be done in two forms: by using qualitative and quantitative risk management techniques. Let’s take a look at some of the ways to carry out the analysis.


  • Qualitative Risk Analysis


  1. Expert judgment: Experts in the area of your project can offer opinions and advice on the risk you are analysing.
  2. Probability and impact assessment: This is one of the internal risk management techniques that allows you to analyse the risk using impact and probability on cost, performance and schedule.
  3. Risk categorisation: Grouping risks caused by common roots so that effective responses can be developed.
  4. Risk urgency: This is where risks are ranked according to their levels of urgency.


  • Quantitative Risk Analysis


    1. Probability distributions: Used to determine uncertain values and the probability of their occurrence.  
  • Cost and Schedule risk analysis
    1. Expected Monetary Value analysis: This allows you to calculate the average outcome scenarios.
    2. Sensitivity analysis: Used to determine the impact that a risk could have on the project.



Lesson 3. Work realistically: how to go from ideal to realistic planning



Some recommendations…

Business Risk Management

Project Risk Assessment

Business Risk Mitigation


Selecting and Implementing Risk Management Techniques


Selecting and implementing risk management techniques should be done carefully and in context with your project team and the type of project you are managing. Whether you are focusing on specifically market risk management techniques or general risk management techniques, implementing the measures usually comes in the planning stage of project risk management. Let’s take a look at a number ways to implement project risk management techniques:

  • Meetings and assessments: Meetings and assessments should be continuously carried out throughout the project and the status of risks should be monitored. Every meeting your project team holds should include discussion on past, current and potential future risks.  
  • Risk audits: Risk audits allow you and your project team to overview how you dealt with certain risks and to identify the effectiveness of the measures taken. This is beneficial not only for the current project but also for future projects and risks.
  • Trend analysis: Performance data can be used to compare actual and planned results so that risks can be controlled and monitored closely.
  • Technical performance measurement: Tools such as KPIs can be used to compare the technical accomplishments of the project throughout its lifecycle which helps to determine the health status of the project.  


The Most Effective Risk Management Techniques with Sinnaps


Communication cannot be excluded from the list of the most effective risk management techniques. Whether there is a need to bring up any potential project risks that you have noticed, or you need to share the project risk mitigation plan, communication is key. Sinnaps project management software offers various communicative tools within the project plan such as the project wall, live in-chat features and weekly email updates to all project team members.

Brainstorming is one of the most effective project risk management techniques. It allows for everyone to take part, stimulates discussion and debate and encourages all team members to participate by increasing involvement. Sinnaps allows for teams to brainstorm, write up their own documents and attach them to the project and to effectively share information.

Testmode is a tool offered by Sinnaps that allows project managers to test any potential changes to the project and to see the effects of the change before fully committing to the change. This allows project managers to visualise how a change may impact the project and to therefor spot any risks before they arise.


Create Simulations in Test Mode


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KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are also included as part of the Sinnaps app that allow project managers and teams to monitor and keep track of the health status of the project. Forecasting allows teams to see how the project is expected to turn out based on current performance and therefor allows time for planning and preparing for any potential future risks.

Experts in any field are valued thanks to their accumulated knowledge through experience and the time they have spent in an industry. Their opinions and advice can greatly help and serve as one of the most useful alternative risk management techniques. Sinnaps is not only a project planning software, but also a community of people who can share their project management experience and even successful project plan templates that you and your team can apply to your projects.

Overall, risk management techniques are crucial for all types of project teams to understand and implement. Every project faces its own set of risks. In this article, we covered the various types of project risk management techniques and the tools that Sinnaps project management software offers to help you effectively and efficiently manage your project risks. 😊


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Problem-Solving Techniques

SME Risk Management

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