‘Two heads are better than one.’ We have all heard this age-old saying, but what does it actually mean?


effective team collaboration


Effective team collaboration in the workplace and collaborative management bring many benefits to your project work, which we will take a look at in this article, as well as tips on reaching collaborative team work and collaboration with Sinnaps.


Benefits of Effective Team Collaboration


Whether we are talking about team collaboration, document collaboration or project collaboration, the benefits of working together are many. Real time document collaboration for example allows you to produce higher quality and more effective documents, something that can be done with Sinnaps project management templates. Applying collaboration to a team does the following:


  • Allows you to reach goals more effectively.
  • Creates greater flexibility.
  • Creates a supportive and positive environment for workers.
  • Engages remote employees.
  • Helps new employees to get the hang of things.
  • Produces better results.


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How to Improve Team Collaboration Skills in the Workplace


Collaborative management that is effective starts at the top of the chain with the leaders. If you are wondering how to improve team collaboration skills in the workplace, consider the following cross team collaboration techniques:

  • Lead by example and practice collaborative project management.
  • Communicate openly and consistently.
  • Exercise together. This is a way to get to know people better.
  • Establish clear team rules.
  • Clarify your team’s goal/s.
  • Make sure that your office space is open-plan so that collaboration is stimulated instead of sectioning off areas. Collaboration methods with other departments can be supported by this.
  • Take breaks. Breaks are important to give people breathing room so that they can come back refreshed and ready to work as part of a team.


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Effective Teamwork and Collaboration Tips


When you are trying to foster real time and remote collaboration it can seem like a difficult task, especially if teams are decentralised as many are today. Sinnaps is an effective solution for such a problem as it allows you to plan, manage and track projects in real time, create a team collaborative tasks list as well as providing an effective way to communicate for team members in a number of different ways. It is cloud-based and can be accessed by anyone at any time that is involved in the project. The following are some important tips to consider with regards effective teamwork and collaboration:

    1. Create a clear and compelling reason for teamwork and why working together will help reach desired results.
    2. Communicate expectations effectively. Aspects as small as document collaboration can mean a lot. Sinnaps allows you to create, share and manage documents in one place for everyone involved in the project to have access to.
    3. Establish clearly team goals. This can be done effectively with Sinnaps project planner that teams can use to manage and track what is expected of them and work together to reach.
    4. Leverage team-member strengths.
    5. Ensure that teams are cohesive before taking on project work.
    6. Keep promises and practise consistency.
    7. Develop relationships outside of work with the help of social events and hobbies.
    8. Recognise and celebrate examples of collaboration and teamwork.


Collaborative Teamwork Quotes


When deciding on how to increase collaboration between teams, inspiration and leading by example is crucial. Your team members need to see the benefits of working collaboratively as a team. Here as some inspirational collaborative teamwork quotes to motivate your team:

  • “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
  • “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. – Michael Jordan
  • “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T. Washington
  • “None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa


Related link…

Role of Collaborative Technologies in boosting performance of Small Business


How to Work as a Team: Team Member Qualities


Building collaborative teams is one thing, learning ow to work as a team is another. There are a few key points to consider for working as a team and collaborative task management. Evaluating your own qualities is important to understand how you work as part of a team as well as your co-worker’s qualities. The following qualities will help you to work more effectively as part of a team:

  • Being honest.
  • Sharing the workload.
  • Being reliable.
  • Fairness.
  • Recognising others’ skills.
  • Communicating well.
  • Having a positive attitude.



Lesson 5 – Communication: How to get the team moving at cruising speed

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Project Management Communication Plan


Team collaboration best practises can help to take your projects from average to outstanding because of the high-quality results employee collaboration brings. Take some of the tips outlined in this article to help improve and reach levels of effective teamwork and collaboration for your team and see the results for yourself. Not only will there be an improvement in productivity but also in team morale which can spread throughout the organisation! 😊


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